《Sugar, wine, kisses 》MV上線 吳莫愁別樣曲風肆意鬼馬
今日,90後新勢力歌手吳莫愁“MOREREAL造作行動”的第四支單曲《Sugar, wine, kisses》及MV全網震撼上線。此次,吳莫愁搭檔Truetrue組合,共同打造一首極具神秘浪漫風格的爵士樂,MV大膽創新肆意鬼馬,為廣大歌迷粉絲獻上了一場全新的視聽盛宴。吳莫愁借此“MOREREAL造作行動”集合眾多新生力量,共同突破自我嘗試不同曲風,為原創音樂提供更多的可能。
此次《Sugar, wine, kisses》單曲,由吳莫愁攜手Truetrue組合共同創作演繹。整首歌曲除了流行音樂、爵士樂的表達方式外,還加入Jazz、soul、r&b的創作,曲風給人耳目一新的感覺。值得一提的是,此次MV創意十足,承襲《Sugar, wine, kisses》單曲豐富且深刻的寓意,借外星人之名,用音樂闡述別開生面的愛情態度。MV中男女主角裝扮外星人頭飾,造型浮誇打破次元,講述外太空女孩來到地球,並被一個男孩吸引的奇幻愛情故事。一場超時空的愛戀在吳莫愁極具辨識度的演唱下富有別樣感染力,一句“you can just be blind to all other man-kinds”觸動著許多人的情感開關,MV一經上線收穫眾多好評。
作為90後音樂人的中堅力量,吳莫愁發起的“MOREREAL造作行動”吸引了全球熱愛音樂的青年創作人,影響力可謂之大。細數往期佳作,《噪音》作為首支主打單曲,燃力上線十足吸睛,吳莫愁玩轉潮流痛快造音,一展音樂態度;《旅程》一轉曲風,整體基調低沉,詞曲注入對人生的思考,將深沉複雜的人生感悟呈現給眾人,用心獨特;第三支融合民族元素多元化詞曲創作的《TAKE IT EASY》,不僅有主流的演唱表達方式,更加入蒙語唱腔,令樂迷驚喜不已。最新單曲《Sugar, wine, kisses》再一次打破常規,多樣元素融為一體,極具未來感的視覺加上吳莫愁完美聲線的聽覺效果,獲得眾多好評。吳莫愁不斷突破自我,大膽玩轉音樂,讓大家看到百變momo的多樣性,期待她在“MOREREAL造作行動”中遇知音創作出更多佳作!
Sugar, wine, kisses - 吳莫愁;Truetrue
詞:Eliot Lee(Truetrue)
曲:Chuchu Wen(Truetrue)
編曲:Eliot Lee(Truetrue)
混音:Eliot Lee(Truetrue)
和聲:Chuchu Wen(Truetrue)
I used to think
there’s no such a thing
that can keep me interested
until I see
the way you look at me
when you smile, you’ve really got the best of me
I can only be who I wanna be
if you wanna take my lead I can guarantee
you’ll finally discover what you need,
find yourself at peace
you won’t ever have to mind,
you can just be blind to all other man-kinds
Why don’t we stay-in after lunch?
If you brought lemons, I’ll make some punch
You’ve got me stimulated
with sugar and wine and kisses
with sounds that are smooth and dated
You’ve got me wasted
You crossed my line and fences
With sugar and wine and kisses
With stares that are way intrusive
You’ve got me dizzy
I can only be who I wanna be
if you wanna take my lead I can guarantee
you’ll finally discover what you need,
find yourself at peace
you won’t ever have to mind,
you can just be blind to all other man-kinds
Why don’t we stay-in after lunch?
If you brought lemons, I’ll make some punch
You’ve got me stimulated
with sugar and wine and kisses
with sounds that are smooth and dated
You’ve got me wasted
You crossed my line and fences
With sugar and wine and kisses
With stares that are way intrusive
You’ve got me dizzy
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da
You got me stimulated,
With sugar and wine and kisses
You crossed my line and fences
With sugar and wine and kisses
You got me stimulated,
With sugar and wine and kisses
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